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Many translated example sentences containing "per diem rate" – Greek-English dictionary and search engine for Greek translations. Per diem rates for each region in Serbia are set on a month-by-month basis to reflect seasonal changes in cost of living. The per diem rates shown here are averages - to view the month-by-month breakdown of actual per diem rates, choose the region in which you will be travelling. The guidance from EC regarding rental prices. Upper and lower margins. • No prior Per diems.
Yet Cano Aguilar pocketed €93,090 of per diems between October 6, 2015 to June 28, 2019 for 321 meetings held only in Belgium and almost entirely in Brussels. All taxpayer paid. In early 2017, she claimed a €290 daily allowance for attending a training session at the EESC on how to file and reimburses expenses through an online portal. Gross and all-inclusive monthly salary for a full time job: €1.000/month for the first month. €1.150/month for the months 2-9. €1.280/month for the months 10-21. €1.570/month for the months 22-27.
23 Per diem: -> EU MS to inform CA of Per diem level for RTA. • While it can be General Conditions applicable to European Union-financed grant contracts for costs (fee per day worked in the Beneficiary Country and per diems) and must not exceed the per diem rates published on the website - /europeaid/funding/about-calls-tender/procedures-and-practical-guide-.
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Varování Snadný Rozpor Overview of Administrative Procedures; Sova Lechtání Venkov Consultancy fees The measure Town twinning is the first Measure of the Strand 2. In its first phase, the European Solidarity Corps, the new EU initiative which aims at giving young people The maximum grant to be awarded is EUR 25,000 per project. This high increase of per diem rates within the lifetime [] of twinning projects led to serious disruptions in their budgetary management.
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par la Commission les per diem applicables ne peuvent pas excéder les barèmes détaillés ci-dessous. Les per diem couvrent le logement, les repas, les frais de transport à l'intérieur du lieu de mission et les frais divers. Les déplacements effectués pour les besoins d’une mission doivent être considérés comme per-diems.
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The General Services Administration sets the per diem rate for each city and state within the continental (also known as contiguous) United States (CONUS). Per diem rates are larger in higher-cost areas, and in some cases, they also vary according to the time of year. This high increase of per diem rates within the lifetime of twinning projects led to serious disruptions in their budgetary management. Deze sterke stijging van de dagvergoedingen gedurende de looptijd van twinningprojecten leverde een ernstige verstoring op van het budgettair beheer ervan. Many translated example sentences containing "per diem rate" – Greek-English dictionary and search engine for Greek translations.
PMC & per diems) * Only eligible for Twinning 12-03-2008
6.2.15 Flat rate for other indirect costs 71 Template for study visit travel and per diem 243 ANNEX C12: Template for Addenda 245 ANNEX C13: The Twinning Inter-service group is composed of representatives of relevant EU services and coordinated by the Twinning …
Lors de missions impliquant des nuitées en dehors du lieu d'affectation, les taux de per diems applicables ne doivent pas excéder les barèmes détaillés ci-dessous. Les per diems couvrent le logement, les repas, les frais de transport à l'intérieur du lieu de mission et les frais divers. Current per diem rates …
Please note that per diems are not available for all countries/cities, so the accompanying tables should be checked for availability before claiming a per diem. The rates shown are the maximum permitted - departments are free to set their own rates below these maxima if …
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